Monday, December 13, 2010

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Laura Brandenburg is a former free-lance music writer from Minneapolis. She currently co-hosts The Riot Act Reading Series and is working on a MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University. Read a poem by Laura here, and watch her read some of her poems here.

Originally from Tallahassee, Lightsey Darst writes, dances, writes about dance, and teaches in Minneapolis. Her book Find the Girl was published by Coffee House Press in April 2010, and her awards include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Minnesota State Arts Board. She also hosts the writing salon “The Works”. Read her poems here and here.

Adam Robinson lives in Baltimore, MD where he runs Publishing Genius, a small press. He has published two books, including Adam Robison and Other Poems, which has been nominated for the 2010 Goodreads Poetry Award. He contributes to the lit blog HTMLGiant, and plays music in Sweatpants, a rock band. Read some of his poems here and here.

Anne Shaw is the author of Undertow (Persea Books, 2007), winner of the Lexi Rudnitsky Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in numerous journals, including New American Writing, Black Warrior Review, Green Mountains Review, and Verse. Her website is Read her poems here and here.

John Dermot Woods is the author of The Complete Collection of people, places & things. He has a collection of comics, and collaborative novel, and a comic chapbook (from Double Cross Press) forthcoming in 2011. He edits the arts quarterly Action,Yes, organizes the online reading series Apostrophe Cast, and co-hosts the Soda Series in Brooklyn. He is a professor of English at SUNY Nassau Community College. Read one of his stories here and one of his comics here.

Joseph Young lives and writes in Baltimore, MD. His first book, Easter Rabbit, is out on Publishing Genius. He has written on art for a variety of magazines and newspapers, and some of this writing can be found on Baltimore Interview. He is fond of collaboration and has created art exhibitions in concert with visual artists such as Christine Sajecki and Magnolia Laurie. Visit his microfiction blog and his website.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The scientists loooove you!

Nick Demske lives in Racine, Wisconsin, and works there at the Racine Public Library. He was awarded the 2010 Fence Modern Poets Series prize for a self-titled manuscript that will be published in November of 2010. He's a curator of the BONK! Performance series, a founder of the Racquetball Chapbook Tournament & Press and is also an editor of the online venue boo: a journal of terrific things. Visit him sometime at

Cindra Halm likes to write, read, dance, play with her niece and nephew, and hang out at Lake Superior. Her poetry chapbook, Inflectional Weather is published by Press of the Taverner, and she has published poems, stories, essays, articles, and reviews. She writes often for Rain Taxi Review of Books, and has taught at The Loft Literary Center for years. Her love affair with language continues to make many shapes and she often describes her poems as delving into physics and metaphysics.

Adrianne Mathiowetz is a Minneapolis-based freelance writer, site editor and photographer, whose stories have appeared on the Chicago Public Radio podcast Love and Radio. She blogs at openopenclose, and her self-published book of poems, These Quiet Repairs, can be found on Lulu.

Brian Oliu is originally from New Jersey and currently lives in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. His work is featured/forthcoming in Hotel Amerika, Hobart, Ninth Letter, New Ohio Review, DIAGRAM, Sonora Review, and elsewhere.

Joseph P. Wood is the author of two books--I & We (CW Books) and the forthcoming Fold of the Map (Salmon Poetry)--and five chapbooks. He is director of the Slash Pine Poetry Festival and the Slash Pine Writer Hikes and whatever harebrained event he can think of. He lives in Tuscaloosa with his wife, Amy, and daughter, Daisy. Read some of his poems here and here.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 7pm

New Location!

at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts
in the Open Book Building
1011 Washington Ave. S., First Floor

Sarah Fox is a doula and an instructor of Creative Writing at the University of Minnesota, where she's currently pursuing an MFA in Poetry. Her book
Because Why was published by Coffee House Press, and recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Conduit, ElevenEleven, Action Yes, Spout, Rain Taxi, and Tammy. She also writes for the blog Montevidayo ( She and her partner John Colburn live in Northeast Minneapolis where they grow entheogenic plants and co-imagine a future Center for Visionary Poetics.

Kira Henehan was born in New York and grew up in various locales around the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean. Her work has been published in Fence, jubilat, Chelsea, Conjunctions, and Denver Quarterly, among others. She has also received a Pushcart Prize and been included in A Best of Fence: The First Nine Years anthology. Henehan attended San Francisco State University and Columbia University, and now lives in New York City. Her first novel, Orion You Came And You Took All My Marbles, was recently published by Milkweed Editions.

David Dodd Lee is the author of seven books of poems, most recently
The Nervous Filaments (Four Way Books 2010), Sky Booths in the Breath Somewhere: The Ashbery Erasure Poems (BlazeVox 2010) and Orphan, Indiana (University of Akron Press, forthcoming Fall 2010). He teaches at Indiana University South Bend, where he is also editor in chief of 42 Miles Press.

Eric Lorberer has published poems in dozens of literary magazines, from American Poetry Review to VOLT, and won a SASE/Jerome Fellowship for his poetry. His essay "The Ashbery Bridge: Poetry and Public Space" was named a Notable Essay in The Best American Essays 2008. He edits Rain Taxi Review of Books and runs the Rain Taxi Reading Series and the Twin Cities Book Festival.

Louise Mathias is the author of Lark Apprentice, which won the New Issues Poetry Prize and was published by New Issues Press in 2004, as well as the chapbook Above All Else, the Trembling Resembles a Forest, which Martha Ronk chose for the Burnside Review Chapbook Prize (2010). She splits her time between Joshua Tree, California, and rural Indiana. Read three of her poems here.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Join us at the Rogue Buddha Gallery (357 13th Ave. Northeast) from 7-9 for poetry, conversation, and a celebration of Pocket Lab's first birthday. This little reading series is growing up...


Stephanie Anderson is the author of the chapbooks In the Particular Particular (New Michigan Press), The Choral Mimeographs (dancing girl press), The Nightyard (forthcoming, Noemi Press), and A Spot A Scheme (forthcoming, Cinematheque Press). She edits Projective Industries and lives in Chicago. Read her poems, "Following the Slideshow, I Let the Starling" and "In the Fall the Threshers Came," here.

BJ Love is the author of Michigander (Greying Ghost) and the forthcoming We are Two Bastards (Indivia). Additionally, he is an MFA candidate in the Writer's Workshop at Iowa. Read his poem, "Of birds, binoculars & grade school anatomy," here.

Matt Mauch grew up in small Midwestern towns between the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, in the snow and wind-chill belt. He is the author of Prayer Book (forthcoming from Lowbrow Press) and the chapbook The Book of Modern Prayer (Palimpsest Press). His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in DIAGRAM, The Journal, Willow Springs, The Squaw Valley Review, The Los Angeles Review, Sonora Review, and elsewhere. The editor of Poetry City, USA, Volume 1 (forthcoming from Lowbrow Press), Mauch teaches writing and literature in the AFA program at Normandale Community College, and also coordinates the reading series there. Read his poem, "Lesser Gods," here.

Anh-Hoa Thi Nguyen received her MFA in Creative Writing at Mills College where she was awarded the Mary Merrit Henry Prize in Poetry and the Ardella Mills Literary Composition Prize in Creative Non-Fiction. Her work has been published in several journals and anthologies and she has performed at numerous venues including Kearny Street Workshop’s APAture 8 & 9, San Francisco’s Litcrawl and Writers with Drinks. In addition to writing, Anh-Hoa is the founder of Pomelo Press, and creates self-published and hand bound artists books and is a photographer, printmaker and performer. Read her poem, "Breath of Wonder," here.

Lucas Pingel received his MFA from the University of Minnesota in 2009. He has published two chapbooks, most recently, All Types of Breath Included from Further Adventures Press. His poetry has also appeared or is forthcoming from The North American Review, Cant, Ellipsis, and The William and Mary Review. Read excerpts from his chapbook, The Storm That Killed the Tree, here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Don't make the monkeys angry. Come to the Rogue Buddha Gallery. We'll be waiting.

Mark Ehling is a writer living in Minneapolis. His short fiction has appeared nationally--in magazines such as Utne Reader, Denver Quarterly and The New Orleans Review--and his short film, "How to Live Better," is currently screening at local festivals and at the Walker Art Center's Film + Video bay. Visit his blog here.

colleen mccarthy writes poems that conceive of women's power as a renewable resource, welling up in the shadow of the nuclear reactor, and fueled by the subversion of names like hysteric or sorceress. she's developing a course that integrates yoga and poetry writing to empower students towards inner change and community activism, and has been invited to pilot her program this summer at the San Francisco chapter of 826 Valencia, a popular free writing workshop for youth. colleen will earn her certification as a yoga instructor this july, and her mfa from the university of minnesota next may. her poems have appeared in dear camera.

Kevin O’Rourke is an MFA candidate at the University of Minnesota, where he served as the poetry editor of Dislocate 5. New work can be found in Tammy, 580 Split, and at 300

William Reichard
is a writer, editor, and educator. His fourth collection of poems, Sin Eater, will be published by Mid-List Press in April 2010. His previous collections include This Brightness (2007) and How To (2004) both from Mid-List Press, and An Alchemy in the Bones (1999) from New Rivers Press. Reichard has published a chapbook, To Be Quietly Spoken, with Frith Press, and he revised and edited the award-winning memoir, The Evening Crowd at Kirmser's: A Gay Life in the 1940's, by the late Ricardo Brown, published my the University of Minnesota Press.

Nate Slawson edits the online magazine dear camera and designs books for Cinematheque Press. He is the author of the chapbooks a mixtape called Zooey Deschanel (Line4, 2009) and The Tiny Jukebox (H_NGM_N Books, 2009). Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in diode, H_NGM_N, Typo, Forklift Ohio, Cannibal, DIAGRAM, and other places.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

7 pm at the Rogue Buddha Gallery: James Cihlar, Adam Clay, Chloe Joan Lopez, Bronwen Tate, and Elizabeth Workman. You won't want to miss this one--trust us.

Writer bios:

James Cihlar’s book of poems, Undoing, was published by Little Pear Press of Seekonk, MA, in 2008. His poems have appeared in Painted Bride Quarterly, Quercus, Bloom, Minnesota Monthly, The James White Review, Briar Cliff Review, Verse Daily, and in the anthologies Aunties (Ballantine 2004), Regrets Only (Little Pear Press), and Nebraska Presence (Backwaters Press). The recipient of a Minnesota State Arts Board Fellowship for Poetry and a Glenna Luschei Award from Prairie Schooner, Cihlar lives in St. Paul.

Adam Clay is the author of The Wash. His second book, A Hotel Lobby at the Edge of the World, is forthcoming from Milkweed Editions. He co-edits Typo Magazine, curates the Poets in Print Reading Series at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center, and teaches at Western Michigan University.

Originally from New Mexico, Chloe Joan Lopez holds an A.B. in physics from Harvard University and an M.A. from the Writing Seminars at The Johns Hopkins University. She was the winner of the 2009 Red Hen Press Ruskin Art Club Poetry Award, a finalist for the 2006-2007 Writing Fellowship from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown and the 2008 Andres Montoya First Book Prize, and was recognized in 2006 by the Artist's Grant program of the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Her work has appeared in Los Angeles Review, can we have our ball back?, Spoon River Poetry Review, Mississippi Review, and other journals, and a chapbook, Quodlibet, is now available from New Michigan Press. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.

Bronwen Tate is the author of the chapbooks Souvenirs (Dusie 2007), Like the Native Tongue the Vanquished (Cannibal Books 2008) and Scaffolding (Dusie 2009). She is a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature at Stanford University, where she edits Mantis: A Journal of Poetry, Criticism and Translation. She blogs about cooking and knitting at Bread and Jam for Frances.

Through the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Elisabeth Workman has served as a poet-in-residence, conducting workshops in schools throughout rural Pennsylvania. More recently, she taught writing and rhetoric to international students in the Middle East. Her work has appeared in fourW, Absent, Abraham Lincoln, diode, GlitterPony, and West Wind Review, among others. Her chapbooks include a city_a cloud, Opolis, and the forthcoming Maybe Malibu, Maybe Beowulf. She's the recipient of a 2009 Jerome Emerging Writer Award, and a 2010 MSAB Artist Initiative Grant.